All guide-books > Regional archives > Respublika Tatarstan > Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan. Guide. 1999
  Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan. Guide. 1999
Title Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan. Guide. 1999
Year published 1999
Annotation This edition gives an idea of the structure, composition, contents and chronological framework and size of the stocks of one of the largest archives of the Volga and the Urals' regions, the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation of the Republic of Tatarstan, where the documents of local authorities, organizations and institutions of KPSU and Komsomol, of regional parties, public movements and private collections are kept. The guide will help put the formerly unknown documents into scientific circulation, which will undoubtedly further the efficiency of research. 
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ISBN 5-7870-0029-3 
Copyright  Tsentral'nyi' gosudarstvennyi' arkhiv istoriko-politicheskoi' dokumentatsii Respubliki Tatarstan, 1999.
Institut "Otkrytoe obshchestvo" (Fond Sorosa), 1999.
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